
Japanese 90’s city pop music live☆

錄音檔案不可用。 (可觀看至8/15/2021 (Sun) 23:59 JST)

Ayako of the singer-songwriter planned  Live to play the stylish J-POP at the after mid-90s with Masaru Sano with the career of the best bassist Prize receiving  in Shinseido & universal music combination sponsorship audition "chance" .

And pianist is Kikuchi Takeshi of the composer and singer-songwriters that a person in the same profession has many supporters .

Nokko, Bonney pink, Ringo Shiina, Chara, Mao Abe, Yuko Ando ,
cardigans or Amy winehouse, and more!!


Japanese 90’s city pop music live☆ 附特典 2,000 日圓含稅
