Reading Place
VOA Learning English、VOA Editorialsなどの記事を音読(オーバーラッピング)しています。

Diary 11: Listening to More Videos

Diary 11: Listening to More Videos

Acquiring English ability, especially Speaking ability might not be a study. It would be an experience.
An experience to know how to speak by just immersing in English. Maybe.

I'm thinking so right now, so I get to know that I need to listen to much much more conversations or monologues spoken in English. For Example, they are Ellen's Show on YouTube, other kind of English videos, or Discord chats as much as I could like the way, when I was young, in listening Japanese TV and radio. In as usual way as I can do.

I'm going to do so from now on.

Reading Place

P.s. The picture above is a cat I met today while working outsides. It seems to get attached easily to people. I felt comforted. That's nice.
