EVENT \クレーンゲームが登場/スコア20点以上でソノヒグラシマスコット🎁【7/7まで】 EVENT 本日 21:30時〜▶🎬たそがれ清兵衛 放送




TwitCasting Stats: Ashten Ren, a TwitCaster since November 2014, now at Level 28.
She is half British & half Irish, from Limerick, Ireland.  After years in Australia, she now lives in the US.

Ashten says that TwitCasting has changed her life. The support she gets from the TwitCasting community gives her a sense of security and raises her self-esteem.  She really enjoys her conversations with her viewers and how her fans and followers show her loads of positivity, even when she’s sick.

Ashten has tapped into her strength through her experiences on TwitCasting, “I'm not one of those types of people who can handle criticism very well and it's helped me so much.”

Standing up for the LGBT community is a passion of hers and we applaud that!

When she isn’t TwitCasting Ashten can be found writing a new song, playing the guitar or adding chapters to the story she is currently working on!  What a talent!

She enjoys live streaming, communicating with people from around the world and sharing her voice!

One of Ashten’s dreams for the future is to start a fund to help pay college tuition for orphans and children in foster care. What a heart!  

We are proud to call her a TwitCaster!

Follow her!


